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Tag: veganmofo2017

Veganomicon Giveaway!

Veganomicon Giveaway!


Congratulations to our winner, Accidentally Meatless.

2007 was a busy year for vegan goddess Isa Chandra Moskowitz.  Not only did she launch the first ever VeganMoFo, but she also released one of the greatest cookbooks of all time, Veganomicon, co-written with fellow vegan hero Terry Hope Romero.

Isa and Terry have marked the latter anniversary by releasing the Veganomicon 10th Anniversary Edition (published by Da Capo Press).  The new edition has updated some of the classic recipes you already know and love, along with 25 completely new dishes!


The kind people at Da Capo Press have donated one copy of Veganomicon 10th Anniversary Edition for one of our lucky participants!

All you have to do is answer this question here on the blog or on Instagram:  what’s your favourite Isa and/or Terry recipe?  This competition is only open to registered VeganMoFo participants in the USA and Canada.  It will close at midnight Pacific Daylight Time.

Good luck!

Robin le Riche Giveaway!

Robin le Riche Giveaway!


The vegan community is not short of some amazing creators – both in food, as we’ve seen through VeganMoFo, and in art! Robin Le Riche is one of those vegan artists, creating cartoons with vegan, feminist, and anti-fascist messages. Based in Norfolk in the UK, his work features well known cartoon characters such as Barbie, the Ninja Turtles, Pokemon and Care Bears!

We’re lucky enough to have a bundle of some of Robin le Riche’s goodies to giveaway to one happy winner.

If you’d like to win this amazing prize, just answer this question: What cartoon character do you think should go vegan?

You can answer either here or on Instagram. We will choose a winner at random. Competition is open to registered VeganMoFo participants and is international. It will close at midnight Pacific Daylight Time. 

Vegan MoFo 2017 Week Three Roundup

Vegan MoFo 2017 Week Three Roundup

Hello, hello hello! Week three of Vegan MoFo was all about ingredient challenges! Here’s a look back at some of the posts that caught my eye this week.

October 16th – Survival food

Tracy’s living cookbook

Not gonna lie, when I saw the Zombie Apocalypse Cheesy Potato Enchilada Casserole Tracy made, I did a little squee. It looks absolutely delicious and is made from mostly pantry staples and freezer food. Bring on the impending doom, I’m going to Tracy’s for dinner.

October 17th – Let’s get boozy!
Go vegga

Kelly made this warming Spiked Maple Molasses drink with aquafaba whipped cream! I don’t know about you but this looks like the perfect Autumnal evening drink. Mmmmm, maple.

Ichiban vegan

Jess made a Boozy Apple Pie Sundae and it looks incredible. If you fancy making this homemade bourbon vanilla ice cream with hard cider wet walnuts, have a mooch on Jess’s blog for the recipe.


October 18th – Chocolate

One raw bite

Alexa and Jennifer over at One raw bite made a chocolate sauerkraut cake! I’m all for including more sauerkraut in my diet and if that can be done by eating cake, everyone’s a winner. Check out the origins of the cake and the recipe on their blog.

Kittens gone lentil

Susan has researched into truly fair trade chocolate and has been reviewing some beautiful looking vegan bars featured on the Food Empowerment Project’s chocolate list. Take a look at her blog post and read more about the Food Empowerment Project here.


October 19th – Five ingredients or fewer

Two Happy Rabbits

What a gorgeous dish Graeme and Cally made for today’s challenge, they even made their own pasta from scratch. Check out their recipe for Homemade Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe and Chili, and try not to drool.

Vegan tho

Natalie made a vegan version of a childhood favourite dinner, Corned Beans Hash. This version using refried beans instead of corned beef looks so much nicer than the original, I’m adding this to my list of MoFo recipes to make on a cold, rainy day.


October 20th – Deconstructed dish
Angie took apart the ingredients for a banh mi and made a cracking salad. Just look at the grill marks on that tofu! Nom!


Emily made a gorgeous ‘unstuffed’ stuffed pepper: a beet ball atop a grilled slice of bell pepper with fresh herb gravy and a smear of roasted cauliflower puree. How delicious does that sound? And it looks impressive, too!

October 21st – Potato

Gonna go walk the dogs

Janet lives in California so has access to great produce all year round, as demonstrated in her Four Seasons Buddha Bowl, featuring slow roasted potatoes. Look at those beautiful colours! How dreamy does her Grilled Peach Tahini Sauce sound?


Bianca’s easy vegan gnocchi ticks all the boxes, a simple yet elegant dish that looks so delicious. A great use of the humble potato.


This potato sauerkraut soup with sausage crumbles is right up my street! Who else fancies a bowl of this beautiful soup?


October 22nd – Unconventional grains

Kristy made a wheat berry salad with some lovely summery flavours, a nice change from a pasta salad and great to make in advance for meal prep.

Fake meat and true love

I’ll admit that I’d never heard of the grain Sarra and Mike used in their Italian wedding soup; triticale. They found this relatively unheard of grain at a farmer’s market, and enjoyed their soup with some rad looking ham & cheese buttermilk biscuits. What a perfect dinner! Save some for me next time, ok?

That’s all from me for this week, looking forward to seeing everyone’s posts for the final week of Vegan MoFo 2017!

Moo Free Giveaway!

Moo Free Giveaway!


Congratulations to our winners Coastal Vegan, Justbloggs vegan and Vegan tho.

It’s chocolate day! We know you’ve all been eagerly anticipating this day – although do you really need an excuse to eat chocolate? Vegan chocolate comes in many forms, and is no longer confined to very dark blends – there are some excellent milk and white varieties out there too that are completely vegan! Enough talking about chocolate though – we’d like to give you the opportunity to win some!


Have you heard of Moo Free?  They make some of the best chocolate going, and all of it is vegan!  Moo Free chocolate is all made from rice milk, and comes in various flavours and forms.  Flavourwise, we’re talking banana, cranberry and hazelnut, mint, orange and honeycomb, and of course just plain “milk” chocolate.  And you can get seasonal treats like Easter Eggs, Christmas selection boxes and advent calendars alongside all-year-round Mini Moos (small bars for those who can restrain themselves) and larger 100g bars. You can peruse their whole range here!


The good people of Moo Free are giving three lucky winners a 100g hazelnut nibs bar!

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is post something chocolate related on one of your registered VeganMoFo social media accounts/blog today!  We’ll choose a winner at random.  The competition is only open to registered VeganMoFo participants in the UK and closes at midnight BST.  Good luck!

First Week Round Up 2017

First Week Round Up 2017

VeganMoFo’ers, thank you for everything you do!  It’s been an amazing first week of VeganMoFo 2017, and we’ve been dazzled by all your creative offerings and culinary delights.  Choosing a few highlights for each day is a tough old job, but here are some that have stood out this week.

The week one theme was Changing Vegan Perceptions, and I think you will have easily convinced the rest of the world that a vegan diet is in no way a boring one!

1st: Re-inventing the veggie option

Fake Meat & True Love

Mike and Sarra livened up the dull old hummus and veg offering by making hummus-crusted tofu with an exciting range of veg (blueberry sweet peppers, anyone?) and sticking it all in a taco. Talk about an improvement!  They’ve posted a taco dish every day this week, so have a look at their other fillings too on their blog or Instagram.


How do you make avo toast fresh and exciting? Strawberries, pomegranate balsamic and cocoa powder! We like Amber’s thinking!  All of her dishes this week have been beautiful and are worth checking out.

Living the Dream

Of course, you don’t have to be following the weekly theme or daily prompts to be featured in our round ups!  MoFo regular Jen is posting about hurricane recovery in the Florida Keys, and we were so happy to see her again!  Week 1 has been full of honest and hopeful videos from her B&B, along with inspiring tales of human kindness and generosity.


2nd: Junk food forever!

Coastal Vegan

Feast your eyes on this! Clare has a mouthwatering review of this vegan junk food haven in South Devon that will have us all descending there for a holiday! Clare has also shared some of her own flavoursome recipes this week if you’re in the mood for some cooking.


Kirsty also went out for junk food:  where would you even start with this sample platter from Portland’s vegan BBQ joint Homegrown Smoker?!

Two Happy Rabbits

If you’re in need of a sugar fix, check out the recipe for this spectacular concoction: funnel cake topped with pumpkin pie ice cream, pecan pralines and caramel sauce.  Truly a work of art!  There’s a recipe every day on their blog, so do check it out for meal inspiration.


3rd:  But where do you get your protein?

Vegans Need Sauce

Emily (who happens to be VeganMoFo’s resident IT expert) went to the trouble of googling high-protein foods and then whipped them up into a veritable feast: baked tofu with a sun-dried tomato and pepita pesto, garlicky sauteed spinach, and a quinoa-lentil pilaf. Yum!


We have a lot of respect for Tofumom’s no-nonsense protein response:  plants, duh!  Check out this colourful array of protein-packed veg – just one of her vibrant pics from week one!


And you can’t talk about protein without mentioning the humble chickpea!  Bianca shared these collard green falafels, and you can find the recipe right here.


4th:  Catering

Accidentally Meatless

There were no catering disasters at this wedding – Michelle took a look back at her wedding, a week long celebration of vegan food (oh, and true love) culminating in this tower of five different kinds of cupcakes. Happy anniversary!

Walks, Talks & Eats

Emma’s worst catered meal was so unbelievably bad, you really do have to read it yourself to believe it. Let’s just say that this lasagne (made using actual lasagne pasta sheets!) was a huge improvement! She’s shared her recipe so you can make it yourself at home.  Look at her other daily recipe posts while you’re over there!


Kristen pointed out that we vegans quite often miss out on little nibbles like hors d’oeuvres, so she made a whole meal consisting of delicate little appetisers!  They all looked amazing, but these fried chick’n tofu and waffles a really something else.  She’s posted some really beautiful dishes throughout the week.


5th:  Conversion meal


Everyone tells Danielle that she makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches in the world, vegan or otherwise. Judging by this picture, I’m inclined to believe them!


First of all, yes, this would win anyone over.  Second, did everyone else know that banana blossom is a good fish alternative?!  You can find more details over on Natalie’s Instagram post.  She’s been serving up delicious and hearty feasts all week, so don’t head over there on an empty stomach!


Checking in on another personal theme, if you ever watched The Wire this one’s for you! Every morning vegan.raptor posts a photo of a vegan dish inspired by the name of a character with a little clue as to who it is.  In the evening all is revealed!  This isn’t just bacon, it’s Wee-bey-con!  Play along and see if you can guess any of them!


6th:  Vegan Cheese is “real” cheese!

Banana Curl, Vegan Girl

Laura’s theme is ‘magical unicorn rainbow party’, and this mac’n’cheese seems to fit perfectly! Natural colourings abound, including something called butterfly pea tea powder.  You can find the recipe on her blog and check out her other great and thought-provoking posts this week.


Check out this elegant looking homemade tofu chevre from Mrs S!  This would look at home on any cheese board.


First time MoFo’er Raquella shared this tempting mac and cheese.  This was a popular dish for this prompt, but hers was the only one we spotted that was made with split peas!


7th:  Original vegan


Angie made the smart choice of going for Indian cuisine today with red lentil soup and curried okra.  Let those vegetables and lentils shine!

My Apologies for the Novel

Julie turned to our vegan goddess Isa for this original vegan dish: the goddess noodles from Isa Does It.  In every blog post Julie included a drawing of her dish for Inktober, so make sure you stop by to admire her artistic skills!


Look at this magnificent plate of food from Tania (or, to give credit where it’s due, her husband)!  As she points out, respecting your vegetables is all it takes to create a wonderful dish.  This seared cauliflower is served with steamed millet and braised thyme-scented white beans, finished with a lemon-tahini cauliflower puree.


8th:   You do make friends with salad

Kittens Gone Lentil

MoFor regular Susan treated us to a fabulous review of Terry Hope Romero’s Salad Samurai. Salads like this avocado tofu breakfast one are will win you friends any day of the week!


Andrea recognises the importance of adding well-seasoned tofu to any salad. Doesn’t it just elevate every dish?


Occasionally we might be persuaded to skip the tofu and instead get these black pepper candied maple bacon pecans!  Don’t they sound amazing?!  Oh, and they’re served with baby spinach, homegrown black krim tomatoes, and smoky pumpkin vinaigrette.


So that’s it for week one!  Week two starts today and we’re curious about what’s going on in your kitchen:  it’s Behind the Scenes week!  We’ll have another round up for you next Monday, but keep an eye on the blog for a daily cookbook giveaway Monday-Friday this week. And keep serving up that delicious food!

Tyne Chease Giveaway

Tyne Chease Giveaway


Congratulations to the winner, Coastal Vegan.

Today VeganMoFo is inviting those of you following our daily prompts to celebrate all things cheesy, so it seems like the perfect time to announce our giveaway with Tyne Chease!

Tyne Chease is a small, family-run business which makes its own cheases using organic ingredients.  It won the Best Vegan Cheese Award at the Vegan Awards UK last year and currently boasts over twenty different varieties on the website.

If you are overwhelmed by all the choice, look no further than the Selection Box:  ten mini cheases to make up the most elegant and delicious of chease boards!  The Selection Box includes the following flavours: Original, Dill, Garlic, Ethiopian Spice, Mustard, Chilli Flakes, Za’atar Spice, Sundried Tomato, Pink Peppercorn and Smoked.

Thanks to the generosity of the Tyne Chease team, we have one selection box to give away!

To be in with a chance, you just need to make a cheese-related post on any of your registered VeganMoFo accounts – blog, Instagram, Twitter, whatever. We will then choose a winner at random.  You have until midnight BST to enter.  This giveaway is open to UK residents only.

Vegan Cuts Giveaway

Vegan Cuts Giveaway


Congratulations to our two winners, @fromhalftohalf and Not Fun At Parties.

There’s no denying that this is a great time to be vegan.  Plant-based options are popping up on menus all over the world, you can watch vegan documentaries on Netflix, and thanks to Vegan Cuts you can get boxes of mystery vegan snacks delivered straight to your door every month!

The team at Vegan Cuts spend all month looking for the best vegan products to send out to subscribers in their two monthly boxes:  the Snack Box and the Beauty Box (they also do a quarterly Makeup Box).  Once you’ve subscribed, you just wait patiently (or not!) for your treats to arrive.

The kind people at Vegan Cuts have donated October snack boxes to two lucky winners!

This giveaway is now closed


To enter, you just need to leave us a comment here on the blog or on Instagram letting us know:  what’s your favourite vegan snack that you would love to have delivered to your door?  You have until midnight Pacific Daylight Time to enter and we will choose a winner at random.  This giveaway is open to USA and Canada residents only.

Welcome to VeganMoFo 2017!

Welcome to VeganMoFo 2017!

It’s October 1st, which means it’s VeganMoFo time! We hope you are really excited. Don’t forget to keep posting and commenting, and use the hashtag #vgnmf17 to show up on our instagram feed too.

Here’s a reminder of our weekly themes and daily prompts for you – though remember, they’re entirely optional, if you’d like to do your own theme or just go your own way, go for it!

Week 1: Changing Vegan Perceptions  (Sunday 1st-Sunday 8th)

1st: Re-inventing the veggie option – Think of a boring, bog-standard veggie option like nut roast or risotto and give it a makeover.

2nd: Junk food forever! – It’s not all kale chips and chia seeds being a vegan – show us your fave vegan junk food.

3rd:  But where do you get your protein? – Make a protein packed meal.

4th:  Catering – Improve on the worst catered meal (wedding, party, conference, etc) you’ve been served.

5th:  Conversion meal – What would you make to convince an omni to convert?

6th:  Vegan Cheese is “real” cheese! – Showcase your best cheesy dish.

7th:  Original vegan: Vegan meals that aren’t trying to replicate meat/omni ingredients

8th:   You do make friends with salad – A salad to win anyone’s heart.

Week 2:  Behind the Scenes: (Monday 9th-Sunday 15th)

9th:  Go go gadget – A kitchen gadget you couldn’t live without, be it a simple grater or a blender. Alternatively, use a gadget you very rarely use.

10th:  Secret ingredient – Is there an unconventional ingredient or product you use to make a certain dish that no one would suspect?

11th:  Kitchen tour!

12th:  Grocery store tips and tricks

13th:  Sell yourself  – If you were going to market a food  you make, what would it be?  How would you package it, and who would buy it?  (Or if you have already done this, tell us about the creative process.)

14th:  Repurposing food – Show us what you do with mushroom stems, stale end bits of bread, carrot tops, etc.

15th:  Spicy! – Talk us through your spice rack or cook with your favourite spice.

Week 3:  Ingredient Challenges  (Monday 16th-Sunday 22nd)

16th: Survival food – There’s a zombie apocalypse!  What can you make from just canned or foraged food?

17th: Let’s get boozy! – Food involving booze, like beer brats, Welsh rarebit or a boozy dessert. Feel free to make a non-alcoholic version if you prefer.

18th:  Chocolate – Today is Chocolate Cupcake Day, but you can make anything you want with chocolate!

19th: A dish with five ingredients or fewer (not including cooking oil and salt and pepper)

20th: Deconstructed dish – Hipster style food. Serving it on a slate is optional.

21st: Making the humble potato the star of the show

22nd: Unconventional grains – Cooking with freekeh, buckwheat, sorghum, etc – try something you wouldn’t usually!

Week 4:  Entertaining  (Monday 23rd-Tuesday 31st)

23rd: Fancy af – Dazzle us with your haute cuisine or gourmet dishes.

24th: Party! – Canapés, finger foods, something to share.

25th: Cook for your best friend – Tell us about your best friend and their favourite dish, make them a vegan version of it.

26th: Showstopper Dessert – Something that would earn a handshake from Paul Hollywood!

27th: Meals for the young (at heart)

28th: Brunch: the under appreciated get-together meal.

29th: History – What would you cook for your favourite historical figure?

30th: Practice run a dish for Thanksgiving, Christmas,  or another upcoming holiday

31st: Halloween – Try not to scare us too much with your spookiest dish.