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Tag: veganmofo

Tuesday Treats

Tuesday Treats

I’m cold! I’m tired! I’m cranky! (wah, wah) Today’s round-up is all about stuff I would like to treat myself to RIGHT NOW. Think of it as instant virtual cozy gratification for the mofo.

Carlota, of the Garlic Pepper blog, celebrates Kid’s Day in Brazil with a delicious smoothie and PAÇOCA for dessert. I’ve never had this peanut-y concoction, but it looks awesome and I feel like I need it.

The Geeky White Girl Grows Up blog features these delicious stuffed cabbage beauties. Cabbage = comfort food. The fact that it’s a grandma recipe just makes it even awesomer.

Everyone’s favorite Megatarian, Megan, made many MANY cakes this week, for the occasion of her Nana’s 90th b-day. (I think we have ourselves a theme here!) Here’s just one of them, but you’ll have to hop over to the blog to look at (drool over) all of them.

There is a blog called Vegan Dance if You Want To. The name alone was enough to get me hooked, but then sister had to go and make gnocchi with cilantro pesto??? OH NO SHE DIDN’T! (oh yes she did)

over on the p.h.d.elicious blog, we have a wonderful version of Veganomicon‘s Acorn Squash and Pear Soup with sautéed shiitakes. Why haven’t I made this soup yet? WHY?

Finally, DESSERT! (yes, I know I had the peanut candy appetizer and the cake, er… intermezzo, but this is dessert, I swear!) C’est La Vegan blog brings us this dreamy trifle. Look at it. Admire it. Make it your own. Eat it.

I don’t know about you, but Tuesday’s comfort-y treats certainly have made ME feel better.


putting your mofo where your apple is. or, uh…

putting your mofo where your apple is. or, uh…

We are more than halfway through VeganMoFo (can I hear a WOO?) and I would be remiss, as a Central New York food blogger, if I didn’t do an apple round-up. Here in the arctic tundra (aka Syracuse) apple-picking is an annual ritual, and apples are among the only fresh fruit that we can source locally through the long, dark, cold winter. Plus, you know, apples are awesome. As evidenced by these mofo-ers:

A-K, from Swell Vegan, gives us this raw apple crisp:

Over at MeanSoyBean, we’ve got these autumn apple pancakes going:

A Bear’s Fare gives us farmers market apple fritters (yes, please!)

Lindsay, over at Cooking for a Vegan Lover gives us this apple pie that is just begging us to eat it:

Or, if you want to keep it even simpler, go on to Wannabe A Vegan and check out this baked apple recipe… YUMZ.

Eat some apples, people. I’m serious.


Less Loopy Tuesday

Less Loopy Tuesday

Please excuse the lateness of this post; I was out seeing the Pogues and forgot to put it up!

Tuesday continues to be a great day for MoFoers everywhere. Kicking it off, we’ve got Naomi from The Gluttonous Vegan hitting us with some christmas fever! Candy canes are my jam, so I was really excited to see this recipe for vegan candy cane cupcakes! IMGP6508

Keeping with the baking theme, Mihl over at Seitan Is My Motor (whose blog I also rounded up last week, but what can I say? I love it!) made rosinenstuten, a kind of german raisin bread that looks pretty freaking awesome. Jenny over at Herbivore Dinosaur is apparently reading my mind and came up with a recipe for nutmeg cake that will be in my oven within the day because hot damn does it look good. netmegcakewhole

On the savory side of things, we’ve got Raelene from the (really adorable) Coburn Family Website talking about her favorite Bahn Mi recipe. It made my stomach growl looking at the photo, and I realized I haven’t had a Vietnamese sub in a good long while, so… um, thanks, Raelene! I’ll be right over! Amanda/Andy Dufresne from In My Vegan Life talks pinto beans, chili, and gluten-free sweet potato rolls, which I suspect will make a lot of xGFx people really happy.


In non-food-porn-related posts, Brandon from Vegan Awesome posted a nice little entry about his favorite vegan milks. E and K from A Tale Of Two Vegans tag teamed one of the MoFo surveys that’s been going around lately (with cute, fun-to-read results). Finally, one of my favorite vegan teenage bloggers, Louzilla from Loony Louzilla Lovegood Letters gives us a vegan’s-eye view of the National Equality March in Washington DC this past weekend.

Great work, everyone! Keep it up!