Put Your Mind to It, Go For It Roundup 10/15

Put Your Mind to It, Go For It Roundup 10/15

What the what do Hot Sundae lyrics have to do with this roundup?  Well, we are half way through the month and I just wanted to offer a little encouragement!  Go TEAM!  Plus, the tight-fitting 80s spandex was reminding me that I really like all the healthy eating going on right now.  And, no, I’m not talking about chomping on caffeine pills.  It’s fall and I usually gravitate towards warm comfort food, but my body also longs for healthy things.

We all need a little something to balance out the yummy baked goods, and I figure what better way than with more baked goods.  Check out these wonderfully healthy apple spice muffins over at the Whole Food Vegan.  Nothing is better than a muffin this time of year.  Except maybe washing it down with a spicy, zingy, and oh-so-soothing sip of lemon ginger tea, courtesy of the Messy Vegetarian Cook.

Ginger & Lemon Tea

Look at it.  Doesn’t it just make you wish you were in your jammies all snuggled up with a book…or laptop?

Maybe you’re more of an on-the-go type.  There are plenty of super simple and healthy options.  Matt’s confetti pasta salad had me drooling.  How could so much greatness be in one salad?!

confetti pasta salad

If pasta is a little too “cooked” for your liking, please check out Whitney’s scary raw burrito.  Don’t worry.  It’s not going to bite your face off or anything…unless you want it to.

scary burrito rawr

Of course, it wouldn’t be a healthy roundup without a little soup and salad lovin’.  Nothing reminds me of my youth more than a good tomato soup.  Mmm mmm great.  Tess delivers a recipe for a simple and soothing nod to a childhood favorite.  For those of you looking for more of an Asian flare, why not try Zoa’s miso soup with vegetables and yuba.

miso soup

I hope you’re not hungry yet, because it doesn’t stop there.  Check out Amanda using kohlrabi for the first time in this amazing salad!  She did her thug thizzle, as the youth like to say.


Of course, we can’t think about health without addressing our eating habits.  Val talks about intuitive eating and lists her new dietary goals.  Great tips for everybody, really.  Over at Vegan Epicurean they’ve got some nutrition tidbits going on.  I have only one question for you: have you eaten your leafy greens today?  Get to it then!

05_09 lettuce - close - reduced

I’m so excited, I’m so excited, I’m so excited that we are half way through the month and I continue to get inspired.  Keep it up, MoFos!


7 thoughts on “Put Your Mind to It, Go For It Roundup 10/15

  1. I love this roundup! I think about healthy eating but I should really put more effort into it. I’m reading the posts right now, thanks for all the links!

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