When is VeganMoFo 2019?
This year VeganMoFo will take place in August.
When is the deadline for signing up to VeganMoFo 2019?
The deadline for signing up to VeganMoFo 2019 is July 21st, 2019
How do I sign up?
Head to this page to find out sign up details!
I love VeganMoFo but I missed the deadline, can I still sign up?
While you are welcome to join in on the blogging fun, we cannot add people to the official site after the deadline because of the amount of work it entails to put everything together.
Do I have to be vegan to participate?
Absolutely not! Anyone who wants to blog about vegan food for a month is welcome to do so. However, during MoFo we ask that participants keep their blog strictly vegan including all images. Yes, even if it’s not straight-up milk/eggs/meat. Also, yes, this means honey.
My partner/children/friends aren’t vegan, am I allowed to mention this?
We aren’t going to vegan police your blog if you mention your husband eats tuna, but please don’t post pictures of said tuna. We had a few instances of people doing this in past years, and it was disturbing for people who were perusing what is supposed to be a 100% vegan blogging event.
Do I have to post every day in order to not be kicked off the blog roll?
No! However, participants should aim for 20 posts during the month of VeganMoFo. Any blogs we notice without content, or are brought to our attention due to inactivity will be automatically removed from our feed.
I have no idea how i’m going to post about food for a whole month! Where can I find ideas?
This year, we have a list of weekly themes and daily prompts which you can follow, if you would like to! You can use the weekly themes to give you ideas, or follow along with each days prompt, whichever you’d like.
I’m not much of a cook, what can I post about?
You can post about your favorite convenience products, restaurant reviews, your amazing microwave concoctions, whatever! You do not have to be a foodie to participate.
I just want to sign up my blog full of spam links, is that cool?
Nope! If you sign up a spam blog, or any blog and then do not post anything MoFo related, we will remove you.
I don’t normally post about food, can I continue my personal posts during MoFo?
Of course! While some people do start a second blog just for MoFo, it’s not a requirement that you post about nothing else during the month.
What do I do if I see someone posting non-vegan items or spam?
Email us at veganmofoblog@gmail.com and we will remove the offending blog quickly. However, as explained above, what we do to the bundle or the lists on this site don’t affect anyone’s feed reader, so make sure you unsubscribe!
How can I help next year?
If you are interested in volunteering for MoFo, you can email us (veganmofoblog@gmail.com) . Duties range from design to putting the RSS feed together to writing round-up posts; no special skills are needed to help.
Hello! Do we have to add a “veganmofo 2012” tag/label in each of our posts this year? Thanks!
How I wish I hadn’t missed the deadline for this!!! 🙁
I write a horror movie blog and during the month of Oct I review a horror movie a day. I was thinking about incorporating the two projects and making a vegan themed recipe to go with the movie choice. I’m still working around the idea and I do have a lot of time till October to decide but is this something that I could enter into Vegan Mofo month?
Will there be awards for Vegan MoFo 2014?
There will! This year marks the return of The MoFies, our online award ceremony, and there are even going to be prizes!
Hello there ! I signed up last week for Vegan Mofo but haven’t received any confirmation yet. This is my first time so I am confused what to do ? 🙁 My Blog’s name is “The Veggie Indian” and its on the URL:-
Hopping over to other blogs to get an idea how and what to post ..
Is it really too late?!?! Is there anyway to slide through the door at the last minute?
Sorry, but we cannot add more people after the deadline passes. We do a lot of work compiling all the information and making the feeds and there is no way to continually add to them. You are welcome to follow along and participate on Instagram with #veganmofo2014.
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I just found out about this. Sounds fantastic. How do I get notice for Vegan MoFo 2015?
Do they have to be NEW blogposts? In other words can I recycle older posts through the month of November?
Will there be any Minimofo for March and April too. If yes, how can I participate in it? I am sorry but I am new to this concept and don’t know how to join Minimofo or Veganmofo.
I was wondering about mini mofo. Will there be anymore?