Round Up – Review style!
Although themes and cooking and taco cleanses are all fun, one thing I love to see on vegan blogs is reviews. I rely on them heavily when I actually get to go to a health food store and want to buy all of the new things, and reviewing the vegan options in your town are probably going to help at least one person who’s googling ‘vegan options in Tiny Town, Flyover State, USA’.
Kate visited Vegan Haven while in Seattle and givers her opinion on some of the small goodies she brought home.
Over at This Vegan Mouth there are multiple reviews for local dishes in Portland, including this amazing looking bowl!
I don’t have a Costco anywhere near me, but East Meets West Veg gives us a tour of hers that shows that if I happen across one, I will be more than satisfied with the vegan options.
Carrie has a review of Soy Curls, which may be old news to most people but I still cannot get them here and when I ask about them in health food stores the people who work there have never heard of them. If you’re semi-new to veganism, they’re definitely worth seeking out or ordering online.
I used to be a big fan of the Morningstar Farms pockets, pre-vegan and when they still existed, so this review from F*@! Yeah Vegan Pizza for the new Tofurky Pockets made me go ‘yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!’. Everything in pockets, please.
One of my favorite foods is, no kidding, cereal. Afro Vegan Chick reviewed a chocolate granola cereal that makes me want to eat a big bowl while watching cartoons in my underwear (typical Friday night, really).
I haven’t eaten meat in 20 years, so I really have no concept of what it tastes like anymore or if faux meats are close enough, so I always think it’s interesting when a meat eater, or in this case a still fairly new vegan like Suzanne, thinks of them. (P.S. The Gardein chik’n sliders are AMAZING.)
Ty has a quick review of flax seed milk (which I am grossly fascinated by and really want to try), and the So Delicious greek-style yogurt, which may or may not tide you over until the great vegan yogurt shortage comes to an end.
And last but certainly not least, the king of vegan product reviews has a ‘you probably would assume this isn’t vegan’ review in the form on these new Kettle chips! Flavored chips frequently have milk in them, and some of the more ‘natural’ kind include honey, so it’s good to know that we have a few more flavors to choose from!
Have you reviewed any products for VeganMoFo that I didn’t see? Feel free to post a link in the comments! And send me a bag of those chips, if you can get them.