Feed Corrections + how to install an OPML file

Feed Corrections + how to install an OPML file

Here is the list of people whose blogs were not imported properly into Feedly, because the RSS address was wrong or because Feedly itself has issues. We miss you, Google Reader.


And by request, here is a terrible collage of how to import an OPML file and add individual blogs in feedly! I forgot to add this at the beginning, but make sure your ‘main folder’ in feedly is empty. If you are neurotic and already have your other feeds sorted into a dozen different categories like me, this will not be an issue.


1. In the left hand bar, click ‘add content’.
2. At the bottom, click on the orange thumbnail that says ‘OPML’.
3. Hit browse, and select the OPML file that you already downloaded and click ‘import’. The screen will take a minute to change, don’t panic or refresh!
4. The page will turn into your different feed categories, and you will see that the ‘main folder’ is filling up with new feeds. Exciting! Let it do that for a minute, there’s a tiny blue bar at the top of the main folder so you’ll know when it’s done.
5. When it’s done, click the little pencil over the main folder and rename it to VeganMoFo or VeganMoFo2014 or Skittle-dee-skittle-dat, it’s your folder.
6. To add the people above or any other blog you want, go back to ‘add content’ from the first step and paste the blog address in the search bar.
7. Hit the little green button and a menu will pop out of the left side and ask you if you want to put said blog in a category, so check the box for VeganMoFo/Skittle-dee and put it in. Done!

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